Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Days without naps

Pencil Sketch: nap
I drew this sketch back when I was drawing everyday. I’m glad I did, as it helps me to remember the exact way she looked while sleeping at that age. So many moments fly away too quickly to be savoured and remembered.

She no longer naps, I no longer draw. There are advantages to the days unbroken by naps, but I’m still too new to this stage to savour them fully. She wakes up so early, we enjoy the day, she falls asleep also earlier than before. However, as morning person myself, after the fullness of the day I feel stuck in the dim fog. What were those brilliant ideas I thought up in the morning? Why was I excited about all the little things I noticed throughout the day? What did I want to share with you? Too tired and lost I start doing whatever happens to pop into my mind first. I used to wake up before everyone else to plan my day, to assign priorities, to choose few tasks to start or even to get done. Without the morning planning I feel that my life and my surroundings are too cluttered. I wish to step outside the front door, to hide away from my own life. Yet I know that I will adjust, I will figure out a way to simplify, to plan, to keep the excitement, to dream. I just need to give myself enough time to puzzle out this new shifted landscape of my life.


Annie said...

Most of last year I got up at 4 a.m.! I wish it had been to plan and contemplate....

My children napped forever....
Lucky me.

driftwood said...

things change so much as they grow it's hard to adjust, give it time xxx

Tina in CT said...

My daughter stopped napping at 3 1/2. I still used naptime though and cut it down to an hour. She had to be in her bed but could spend it looking at books. It was called rest time. I did that for another year.

I was lucky that my daughter was not an early dawn riser. Once she was around 4:00, she'd get up around 7:00 and toddle into the den, turn on the TV and quietly watch Capt. Kangaroo. We had a small ranch house and I was in the next room wide awake but just comfy in bed.