Allow me to enquire how man can control his own affairs when he is not only incapable of compiling a plan for some laughably short term, such as, say, a thousand years, but cannot even predict what will happen to him tomorrow?
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov (I think I'll re-read it again sometime soon)
I'm trying to come to a decision on something and the more I read and think about it the more I know that I already decided long time ago and now just need to let go of the desire to pretend that I can control uncontrollable and start following the path I choose long ago.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Desiderata by Max Ehrmann
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Desiderata by Max Ehrmann
I always want to read the archives of the blogs I read now....but never have done it.
I suppose it is a bit like meeting don't get all of their past at once; it comes bit by bit.
Just returned home from a Moscow trip reunion in NY at Rachael's mother's house. Rachael and her kids drove out from MI and we (my daughter Moscowmom and her two girls) drove up from CT. Much visiting, laughter, friendship and eating was enjoyed by all.
Rachael told me how you two are meeting up this fall. That's so great.
This is showing up as Moscowmom as she signed onto the computer and I'm too lazy to go back out and in again. I'm Tina in CT (her mom).
P.S. You are so talently creative.
I hope you find the balance you are searching for, dont be too hard on yourself xox and hows the kitchen? it will be a relief when it's finished I know
I try to read through blog archives of new blogs I find, but often just don't have the time.
I often find decisions hard to make. I think change is hard. Also I try to work out if it's the right decision, when in reality there is often no right or wrong. There are so many different paths we can take in life. All the best with your decision.
Ok - my curiosity is KILLING me!
What is it that you are going to do?
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